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Mical J. Roy

Mical J Roy Headshot

Mical is a Community Engagement Manager for a Health Marketing Agency, managing Prostate Cancer educational initiatives, nationally. Prior to this role, he worked for over 10 years in education as a teacher and then as a program administrator. In addition, he is an Advanced Reading and Writing Instructor at Austin Community College while also managing his own Academic Writing Assistance business.

In June of 2019, Mical underwent a radical prostatectomy after his diagnosis of prostate cancer in November of 2018. This experience has humbled Mical in innumerable ways and motivated him to step out of his comfort zone to pursue avenues he knows will benefit and motivate others.

Mical’s urologist, Dr. Eric Geisler, has connected him with newly diagnosed patients who seek support from a man who has recently been on the journey. Mical’s able to assist men that are finding their diagnosis hard to accept by listening to their questions or feelings associated with fear. As life would have it, it turns out that this unique style of advocacy seems to have been his life’s work all along.

This experience solidified for Mical that there is nothing we cannot conquer in this life. As a result of such a life altering diagnosis, Mical is confident that if we hold to our faith and remain positive, we can overcome our negative self-talk, overthinking and added anxieties … and that we can and WILL move mountains out of our way.
