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How ZERO360 Helps Men Get Through the Stresses of Prostate Cancer

Man in a ZeroProstateCancer shirt with his dog at a charity run walk event

In 2019, Ted Healy had, in his words, “an unbelievably great life.” Living in Portland, Oregon with his rescue pets and his devoted wife, things were good. But then Ted was diagnosed with prostate cancer and everything changed. 

“Getting the ‘C’ word is just shocking,” says Ted. “And then I thought about the financial implications, and I thought, oh my God.”

Ted and his family had insurance but the cost of doctors’ appointments and treatments can add up. Those stresses can become a huge burden on prostate cancer patients and their families. 

Man and woman with their golden dog at walk or run event

“Prostate cancer is like a tornado,” says Ted. “It not only affects the men, it affects everyone in the family.” 

That’s where ZERO360 comes in. ZERO360 is a comprehensive patient support program that provides free, confidential expertise to help guide patients through their cancer journeys. In 2021, the program helped more than 600 men and families. For Ted, a ZERO360 case manager was immediately able to connect him with financial aid. Taking that stress off a man’s shoulders allows him to focus on what’s important – getting better.

“It’s just a gem that I stumbled upon,” says Ted. “I’m so grateful to ZERO. I’m really trying to spread the word now and get more involved in the prostate cancer community here in Portland.”

Ted has been extremely active with ZERO since his prostate cancer diagnosis. He’s taken part in Run/Walks and he joined the 2021 ZERO Virtual Prostate Cancer Summit. He was also featured in ZERO’s annual Grow & Give campaign. 

Ted Healy and wife in front of fields of yellow and red flowers

“Thanks to ZERO 360, my wife and the support network I have, I’m feeling great,” says Ted. “However, it seems like every other guy I talk to has prostate cancer or they know someone who has it so I try to speak as much as I can about the ZERO 360 program.”  

Ted’s current diagnosis is Stage IV metastatic, but he’s grateful that there are currently no signs of the disease – allowing him to live life to the fullest and educate more men about prostate cancer. 



Ted Healy accepting a Bold For Blue award at an award ceremony for Zero Prostate Cancer
Ted Healy

Ted Healy has a vast career that spans from being a Vice President of a major Advertising Agency in NYC to owning and operating a coffee house business. His most recent achievement he says is as a Consumer Reviewer with General Dynamics Information Technology - CDMRP, where I acted as a lay expert on Prostate Cancer
